Troubleshooting SES

Troubleshooting SES

If you are experiencing errors sending emails with AWS there could be a couple of reasons as to why:

Your Account is in Sandbox Mode.

Your AWS SES account may be in?SandBox?mode. You can request for it to be taken out of sandbox mode to send emails to unvalidated email addresses. To do this, please follow the official AWS documentation.

Your email address is not validated.

If your email address is not validated then any outgoing email you try to send will fail.

AWS MUST verify ownership of your email before you can send any outgoing email.

You’ve reached your sending limit.

Production SES accounts typically have a maximum rate of 50,000 emails per day. If you are sending more than that you will need to request a limit increase.

Manually subscribe to your SNS endpoint.

  • go to SNS and create a new topic.
  • Click on the topic name and then find “Create Subscription
  • Select protocol as HTTPS and enter endpoint https://yourdomainname/wp-json/gh/v3/aws/listener
  • Now go to SES and click on your production server domain name.
  • Under the notification tab for complaint and bounce select the SNS topic you just created and that’s all.

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