Introduction To Webhooks

MBR CRM provides webhooks that you can use to communicate with other software or instances where MBR CRM is located on another website

MBR CRM webhooks are included in the advanced Feature plugin. You can view a working example of the webhook in MBR CRM’s office hours.

There are two types of webhooks:

  1. Webhook (Action)
  2. Webhook Listener (Benchmark)

Webhook (Action)

This Webhook step allows you to communicate with other software tools via HTTP methods.?
Webhooks can only be created through the funnel builder.
To create a new Webhook add a new step to the funnel and select the Webhook icon from the Actions tab.
Introduction To Webhooks
Once the webhook step has been added to the funnel you will see this configuration screen.
Introduction To Webhooks

URL: Enter the target URL of your webhook here. You can test the webhook tool by using
HEADERS (optional): Add any authentication information required by the target platform.
PARAMS (optional): Add any POST information required by the target. For example the email address of the contact.

To pass contact information to the target add Params with key-value pairs. For example, passing first, last, and email would look like this.

Introduction To Webhooks

If your webhook target expects a JSON request, then you can optionally choose to send the request as a JSON payload.

Introduction To Webhooks

To test your webhook with contact data, hover over the URL section and click Send Test. You will be able to see send test action once you move your mouse next to the URL field.

Introduction To Webhooks

Webhook Listener (Benchmark)

The webhook listener is an important part of the webhook. Using webhook listener you can send information to MBR CRM.
Introduction To Webhooks
It’s a benchmark so it’s used to start an automation flow in the funnel. You can configure this step by setting the test data and mapping data with the appropriate field. Once the step is configured successfully you will be able to send data to MBR CRM.
Introduction To Webhooks


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