Introduction to Field Changed

MBR CRM provides the functionality to add custom field changed for a contact

Users can add custom fields using the custom info section of contact.

In some cases, custom information for the contact is added by extension plugins. You can track changes in this field and run automation based on the changes using the Field Changed add-on. To get started you need to go to MBR CRM’s official website and download the Pro Features add-on and install it on your website. Once you successfully integrated the MBR CRM features you will be able to see a new benchmark inside your funnel builder.
Introduction to Field Changed

This benchmark contains two different settings options Which Filed and When Set To settings.

Which Field” settings contain details about the field for which users want to track changes.

When Set To settings are used to validate the custom value is set to the given value. If no value is set then this benchmark will run every time the value of the field changes.


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